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Volunteer Opportunities:

May 19th:
            9:00am – All flags are going up>
                              If you would like to volunteer, please meet behind Eastlake City Hall @9am.
                              We need all the volunteers we can get as approximately 300+ flags need to go up.

November 17th:
           9:00 am – Flags will be taken down for the year
                              If you would like to volunteer, please meet behind Eastlake City Hall @9am.
                              We need all the volunteers we can get as all 500 flags will be taken down and folded
                              properly for storage.


2019 Fundraiser – date is TBD
                  While we have not set the date just yet for the 2019 fundraiser, we will need volunteers for:

                  -selling tickets                        -putting together baskets for raffle
                -setting up team                    -clean up team




                       Volunteer Opportunities:

     May 18, 2024:

     9:00am – All flags are going up
                      If you would like to volunteer, please meet behind                                        Eastlake City Hall.
                     We need all the volunteers we can get as approximately                            506 flags need to go up.
                            Rain out day

                            May 19, 2024: 1:00 pm

    November 162024 :

    9:00 am – Flags will be taken down for the year
                      If you would like to volunteer, please meet behind Eastlake                         City Hall.
                      We need all the volunteers we can get as all 506 flags will                         be taken down and folded
                             properly for storage.

                           Rain out day

                           November 17, 2024: 1:00 pm




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